Tuesday, November 18, 2008


From the MP!

This is in italics.

And this is a bold word!


and normal

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Flat Tire

Linda had a flat tire on her MINI today.

Loading onto the flatbed for the trip to Tire Pro.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


About a year ago I broke down, violated my pledge to stay out of the HD format wars, and bought an HD-DVD player (the competitor to Blu-Ray) at Costco.

A month or two later the HD-DVD consortium admitted defeat and bowed out.

So now I have a bunch of HD-DVD movies and a player.  Yet another obsolete media format to add to the shelf next to my Laserdisc collection.  :-)

At that point I pledged to ignore Blu-Ray, and do what I should have done from the start - just wait for network distribution.  I'm sticking to that so far.

Now - here comes the crazy - I pre-ordered Firefly on Blu-Ray from Amazon when it was announced months ago.  I'm planning to buy it *even if I never own a Blu-Ray player*.
Why you ask?  Because any chance I get to make the folks that cancelled Firefly look bad I will take.